Almond Banana Smoothie

This nutrient-packed banana smoothie makes for a great no-fuss breakfast. Filling, creamy, and smooth. No chewing required.  With only a handful of simple ingredients you're sure to have on hand, this smoothie will load you up on protein, fiber and nutrients, helping to power you through the morning.

This almond banana smoothie is rich in calcium, manganese, B vitamins and vitamin E. Some of the ingredients in this banana smoothie include:

Wheatgerm: Wheat germ is the most mineral- and vitamin-rich part of the wheat kernel. Just two tablespoons packs in a healthy dose of B vitamins and vitamin E. Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant and thought to protect against free radicals which cause cell damage and play an important part in the ageing process – making a popular ingredient in anti-ageing skincare products. So don’t just slather it on, be sure to include it in your diet too!

Almonds: Another rich source of vitamin E. Almonds are also packed with biotin, aka vitamin H, which is thought to improve the infrastructure of keratin (a protein that makes up hair, skin and nails). A lot of folks swear by biotin for thicker, longer hair and stronger nails.

Cinnamon: Brings out the sweetness of this almond banana smoothie, so you’re less likely to sweeten it further. Cinnamon also helps to balance blood sugar levels. Plus, just smelling cinamon is thought to improve cognitive function and memory!

Rich in fiber: Wheatgerm, almonds and bananas are rich in fiber, making this banana shake filling and helping with erm… you know … keeping your bowels moving nice and regular.

Almond Banana Smoothie


  • 2 bananas ripe
  • 1 1/2 cups almond milk
  • 1/4 cup low-fat natural yoghurt
  • 1 tbsp almond butter
  • 2 tbsp wheat germ
  • 1 dash cinnamon
  • honey (sweeten to taste if needed)
  • 5 ice cubes


  • Place the banana, milk, yoghurt, almond butter, wheat germ, cinnamon and ice in the blender, and blend until velvety smooth.
  • Taste and adjust for sweetness with a drizzle of honey if needed. Drink up & enjoy!
Prep 10 minutes
Makes 2

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